Croatian Animated film Leviathan is the Best European Independent Film
Animated Film “Leviathan” (inspired by a book “The Leviathan” by Thomas Hobbes, written in 1651) and made by Simon Bogojevic Narath is a winner of Grand Off Award in the best animation category, which was announced at the ceremony of European Off Film Award in Wasaw in the beginning of December.
Grand Off – European Off Film Award was given to the best European independent filmmakers in nine categories (best director, scriptwriter, cinematography, editing, actor, actress, feature, documentary, animation). Following the ceremony, awarded films will be shown simultaneously in 12 Polish cities.
The Award was officially established in 2006 by representatives of 17 European countries in order to initiate an exchange between all Europeans countries and facilitate emergence of the best European productions of independent cinema.
Leviatan Awards (so far):
Best animation, Days od Croatian Film; Best music and sound, Days od Croatian Film; Golden Zagreb, 2nd Jury Prize, Animafest, Zagreb; Honourable Mention, Darklight Digital Festival, Ireland; Grand Prix, Days of croatian animation, Zagreb; Special jury Prize, International Short Film Festival Badalona, Spain, Special Jury Mention, Animateka 2006, Ljubljana.
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