Cyclotourist Centre in Kopacki Rit
Kopacki Rit , one of the Croatian Nature Parks, situated in northeast Croatia in a corner formed by Drava and Danube rivers, has become the first visitor center for cyclotourists in Croatia.
Three years ago, the cooperation between Kopacki Rit and the Croatian office of the German Technical Cooperation Company initiated a project for development of the Danube cyclotourist route. The project consists of three phases, and its second phase has recently been completed.
The first phase of development of Danube cyclotourism included setting up of tourist signage, info desks, and general promotion of the Danube route by means of various maps, brochures and promotional materials.
A roofed parking lot has recently been set up within the parking lot of the Kopacki Rit Reception Center, and the premises of the center contain a new computer with internet access available to all cyclotourists.
Kopacki Rit has also become an internet center, and its purpose as a visitor center is to provide bikers and cyclotourists with basic information and information on additional offerings including interesting events, restaurants, inns, bike service facilities and everything provided by the tourist offer of the Baranja region. The computer will offer the possibilities of downloading photos from the trip, sending e-mail, writing blogs, seeking additional information, etc.
As the Danube route is the first international route in Croatia with a large number of cyclotourists passing through over the year, the third phase will include eco-counters – counters for bikers passing through, which will be set up at the very entrance to Kopacki Rit. A counter for pedestrians and motor vehicles will also be added.
Kopacki Rit Nature Park:
Osijek-Baranja County Tourist Board:
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