Dubrovnik among Shermans Travel Top Ten Romantic Escapes
According to the love experts at Shermans Travel, who call themselves “your unbiased guide to deals and destinations“, Dubrovnik is, along with Paris, Venice and Buenos Aires, one of the top ten most romantic places to escape for “dreamy-eyed lovers in search of romantic inspiration” – (link article)
This is the excerpt from the small introduction to romantic Dubrovnik:
” Couples in search of romance are flocking to this wondrous city on the southernmost stretch of Croatia’s coast, as enchanted by its beauty today as the Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw, who once proclaimed, “If you want to see heaven on earth, come to Dubrovnik.”
In this short introduction, they also refer to the “dazzling Adriatic”, “marble-paved streets” and “terracotta-roofed townhouses” which all sounds unbearably seductive even for me who, as a student, spend years in Dubrovnik living in the most unromantic working class suburbs of Gruz and Kantafig 😉
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