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Croatia voted Readers’ Choice Destination of the Year 2016 by US magazine Travel and Leisure

Croatia voted Readers' Choice Destination of the Year 2016 by US magazine Travel and Leisure

Croatia has been voted Readers’ Choice Destination of the Year 2016 in an online poll by readers of the US magazine Travel and Leisure . Voting took place in late October and early November. Croatia captured 28% of the vote, followed by Portugal (24%) and Pittsburgh. Portugal was chosen by Travel …

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Promotional campaign “Croatia Feeds” launched

Promotional campaign

In mid-September the Croatian Tourism Board (HTZ) launched its autumn promotional campaign “Croatia Feeds” featuring short and innovative descriptions of Croatian destinations and inviting tourists to choose Croatia as their holiday destination. The campaign, to last until mid-November, covers the markets of Germany, the United Kingdom, Austria, France, Sweden, the …

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Croatia among top honeymoon destinations

Croatia among top honeymoon destinations

Croatia was among the top  honeymoon destinations of 2013 in Google searches over the past year, ranking tenth, while New Zealand, Cancun and Maldives were the top three. The news was carried by The Huffington Post, one of the largest news portals, saying the list may help all those seeking …

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Revenues from visits of foreign tourists to Croatia 2013/2014

Revenues from visits of foreign tourists to Croatia in the first nine months of 2013 totalled EUR 6.59 billion, up 4.7% from the corresponding period in 2012, according to preliminary figures released by the Croatian National Bank (HNB).The HNB reports that the statistics indicate that revenues from foreign visits for …

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Magical Istria Tour article in todays Mirror

Magical Istria Tour article in todays Mirror

The latest article about Croatia in Morror.co.uk titled ‘Magical Istria tour: A family fortnight on Croatia’s Adriatic coast’ has been published this morning – have a look: As our guide rattles through his geology lesson (a dizzying cocktail of English, Russian, bad jokes and subtle-as-a-breeze-block chat-up lines) I realise I’ve found …

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Croatian stand at World Travel Market 2011

Niko Bulic, Director of the Croatian National Tourist Board is giving a tour of Croatia stand at World Travel Market 2011. Have a look:

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Istria in Autumn in the Mediterranean

Istria in Autumn in the Mediterranean

In last weeks eddition of Guardian Travel, under the title Autumn in the Med, Istria is featured among other Medditeranean recommended destination. Here is an excerpt from the article:

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Setting a course around Croatia’s lesser-known islands

Setting a course around Croatia's lesser-known islands

In todays Independent, another article about travel to islands of Croatia has been published. The article is titled ‘Isles

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Enjoy Hvar for its beaches, history and tiny fish restaurants

Enjoy Hvar for its beaches, history and tiny fish restaurants

The town of Hvar, is featured in today’s Telegraph. This is an excerpt from the article:

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Croatia in Europe (without the euro)

Croatia in Europe (without the euro)

In today’s Guardian article ‘Europe (without the euro)’, Croatia was featured as one of European ‘fantastic destination’ out of  the eurozone.

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