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Dubrovnik among breakout cities of the year – AOL’s Best & Worst of 2007

Dubrovnik among breakout cities of the year - AOL's Best & Worst of 2007

Dubrovnik is chosen with three other cities for Best & Worst of 2007: Breakout cities of the year by AOL Money and Finance : This is how Dubrovnik is described: ” Dubrovnik, Croatia – Our third breakout city is as old as the others are new.

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Christmas Decorations in Zagreb

Christmas Decorations in Zagreb

Zagreb saw decorations and lighting going up ahead of the Christmas and New Year’s festivities. An advent wreathe and a manger made of cubes were set up on the main Ban Jelacic Square alongside a Christmas tree. The tree that adorns Zagreb’s main square – a 18-metre spruce – is …

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Villa Elita Dubrovnik

Villa Elita Dubrovnik

The Villa Elita which operates as part of the Dubrovnik hotel complex “Importanne Resort” is so far the most expensive tourist facility in Dubrovnik, whose price reaches 12000 Euros a night.

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Croatian Shellfish Experience

An unusual experience of Croatian shellfish was reveiled in letters of yesterday’s New York Times: “This spring my wife and I were traveling in Croatia and stayed in the town of Mali Ston at the entrance to the Peljesac Peninsula, which is the center for farming oysters and mussels.

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Stella Maris – luxury Istrian villas

Stella Maris - luxury Istrian villas

The Umag company Istraturist recently completed construction of new attractive Istrian villas which have now become an integral part of the tourist settlement Stella Maris in the immediate vicinity of the town of Umag, Istria.

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Moslavina branding project

The Moslavina region is a new tourism brand in Croatia. The branding of Moslavina is a part of the 1.6 million kuna project titled “Activating local potentials and resources of Southern Moslavina and the Lonjsko polje Nature Park. The branding project was launched by the city of Kutina and the municipalities of Lipovljani, Popovaca …

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61 new islands discovered in the Croatian Adriatic

61 new islands discovered in the Croatian Adriatic

According to encyclopaedias, Croatia has 1,185 islands in its part of the Adriatic Sea, 67 of which are inhabited. The largest among them is the Island of Krk. According to the latest news from Croatian television, new research shows that Croatia has 1,246 islands or 61 more than before and that Cres was the largest island. …

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Zagreb – popular tourist destination

Zagreb - popular tourist destination

Zagreb, the Croatian capital is an ever more popular destination for tourists, whose visits are increasing by double-digit percent ages from month to month. In the first half of this year the city was visited by over 260,000 visitors for about

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Palace Novi Dvori in Zaprešic

Palace Novi Dvori in Zaprešic

The Novi dvori (New Palace) in Zaprešic, a small town situated some 17 kilometres west of Zagreb in Hrvatsko Zagorje region,  is a historic complex that last year saw the launch of the first phase of its renovation. The palace was once the residence of Croatia’s well known Ban (viceroy), Josip …

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Hvar among World’s Sexiest Islands

Hvar among World's Sexiest Islands

According to Forbes, the USA business magazine, Hvar is among ten sexiest islands in the world 🙂 This prestigious title Hvar achieved because of it’s clear sea, beautiful beaches and exciting night life. In article’s introduction, writer explains criteria that were use to form their decision: “Unusual natural or cultural …

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